Quem somos?

"Somos 24 e constituímos a turma 9 do 6º ano da Escola EB 2, 3 D. Francisco Manuel de Melo na Amadora no ano lectivo 2008/2009. Divertidos, faladores mas sobretudo neste ano pioneiros. Pioneiros? Sim, porque fomos os primeiros na escola a ter um blog na net. Continue a sua descoberta sobre a nossa turma."
Texto redigido pelos alunos na aula de Língua Portuguesa com a Professora Olívia

quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2009

Teste de Inglês - 7 de Maio

7 de Maio Ficha de Avaliação

Como sabem o teste de Inglês é no dia 7 de Maio.

Para vos ajudar a estudar, vou dar algumas pistas relativamente aos conteúdos que vão sair, tal como alguns exercícios que podem resolver para desta forma se prepararem melhor para a ficha de avaliação, e tirarem uma boa nota.(Consultem a folha com o título "Preparation for the English test")

Boa Sorte!!!

Conteúdos para a ficha de avaliação:

Simple Past
v Construction of the affirmative, negative and questions;
v Auxiliary verbs: to be e to do;
v Regular and Irregular verbs;
v Rules of the regular verbs;
v Degrees of comparison ex: strong/stronger.

1- Read the text.

The Simpsons are American. They live in New York.
Mark Simpson is the father, Suzy is the mother and Kim is their ten-year-old daughter. Both parents are doctors.
Last Christmas they had a holiday, so they decided to spend a few days in London, England.
In England they rented a flat. They didn´t stay in a hotel.
They took lots of photos and bought some souvenirs.
They enjoyed it very much. But they missed their animals and their jobs in America.

1.1. Answer the questions.

a) What nationality are the Simpsons?
b) Did they travel in last Christmas holidays?
c) Where did they go?
d) Did they take many photos?

2- Write the Past Simple of the following irregular verbs.

Infinitive Past Simple
take - __________
go - __________
buy - __________
break - __________
see - __________

3-Write the sentences in the negative.

a) Last Christmas the Simpsons went to England.
b) Kim is ten years old.
c) They rented a flat.

4. Complete the following sentences using the Simple Past of the verbs in brackets.
Last Monday Mrs.Sheldon (1)______________(go) to the boys department because she (2)_______________(want) to buy a pullover for Bruce.
(3) _________________(there to be) lot of pullovers, but Bruce (4)______________(not like) any of them. Finally he (5)____________(see) one in the shop window and he (6)_______________(say) that he (7)_______________(like) it very much.
Mrs. Sheldon (8)_______________(call) the shop assistant and (9)______________(ask) her if Bruce________________(can) try it on.
Bruce(10)_________________(look) at him self in the mirror and the pullover
(11) __________________________(be) too large!

5. Fill in the gaps with the correct word.

a) tall/taller
Johnson is_________________.
He´s ________________than O’Neil.
b) fast/faster
Mario is_________________than Mike.
Jim is _______________,too.
Malik and Paul are both______________, but Paul is____________.
Paul is_____________ _____________Malik.

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